Saturday 25 May 2013

JERICHO BLUES Written By Andrew Scorah A 5***** Review

Written By Andrew Scorah
A 5***** REVIEW
Terrorist threats from foreign aliens that could upset the whole of the United States. And then Martial Law is to be established to protect the country for an indefinite duration ensuring that all of its citizens and there properties be protected, any undesirable will be brought into custody for questioning, all the citizens are being asked not to be afraid of being rounded up and to comply with the issuing Executive Order 903813, titled Emergency Defense Procedures and Allocation of Interim Authority Martial Law. This to me sounds and feels heavy but not heavy handed who in their right mind and position would be expecting their president, prime minister to be doing everything humanly possible to protect them?
The number one priority of this government is to safeguard the interests of the country, and its citizens, and any threat from foreign or domestic terrorism will be dealt with to the full force of our powers.
I can only say at this stage that Andrew Scorah has me hooked right from the beginning of the first chapter and I have not stopped reading and re-reading just in case that I have missed an action somewhere, it is fast paced, you’ll want to go back to make sure that what you have read is REAL, IT IS HAPPENING just like a movie. You’ll not want to leave your seat or make that cup of coffee or tea.
It’s raw, rough, tough, but for whatever reason the government was rounding up citizens from across small townships, they are all left stunned, shocked, battered and bruised and their homes lost for always. But I will let you read Jericho Blues to find out why. And who and what had assassinated the president of the USA.
“We need to find out what is happening,” I said as I turned on the radio. I dialled through the frequencies, but all I got was static, or a tone similar to what you get when you dial a disconnected number.
So far it seems that the country is in disarray, more like martial law enforcement where no one or anything is exempt from the break-down of Statute Law that is set by the House of Senators, this is Military Law at its worst or best? Only you the reader can decide.
Six black clad bodies, armed with Heckler and Koch machine pistols. They moved, silent, bent legged up the road. As if by some unspoken signal, four split from the group. Two were going to the left of the house, the others to the right. Once again we had a professional hit team coming for us. The remaining four moved around the van. I had to time this right. I edged over so I could see them better. They were mugs, not one paid any attention to the Van. In a combat situation, never assume, assume makes an ass out of you and me; I had the phrase drilled into me so many times; it became a mantra to put me to sleep at night.
One of the assassins pulled a gas grenade from his utility belt and pulled the pin. Now the time was right. I put a round in his ankle, half blowing off his booted foot. He collapsed, dropping the grenade.
When I read this passage from Jericho Blues I was on the brink of taking a break but Andrew kept me right where I am sat now! I wanted to know what the heck was going on. You get drawn into intrigue and mystery as to why Martial Law has been imposed on a Nation yet here it seems that even Martial Law has broken down. There are renegade factions within the Military with their own laws and lawlessness on the innocent citizens and military personnel, and it is getting REAL personal. The next thing you know there is an announcement from the White House and the President Lecompte

 People of the United States of America, it is with great sorrow I stand before you today, making this, my first address to you. I have only just learned an evil has befallen the city of San Francisco. Despite all our efforts to safeguard you the people, terrorists have detonated several dirty bombs. The death toll is massive, and for all purposes, the city has been wiped off the map. The resulting explosions triggered a failing of the San Andreas Fault; earthquakes have been widespread and continuing, hampering the efforts of emergency responders.
Reports are also coming in of dirty bomb explosions in several other cities around the globe. Notably Manchester, England, Paris France, Sydney, Australia and Moscow. So far, no one has claimed responsibility, but all intelligence is focused on finding these monsters.
This is a colossal misfortune to befall our country, and the world, ever. However, be forewarned; our anger at these atrocities is biblical. The perpetrators and those who give them their orders will be hunted down like dogs. We are now on a war footing, and as such hard decisions will have to be made, law-abiding citizens will have nothing to fear. Those who pose a threat to our way of life I give you this message, run, because we are coming for you. There is no place for you to hide, we will find you, and have our justice.
Whatever you do when you get to this part of the book DO NOT go and make a meal (call for a takeaway instead) you will not want to leave this part at all. This is where all the action starts. How on earth did this get to the stage of it affecting the World as a whole? What went wrong? Who went wrong? How on earth did the fractions cause so much devastation, destruction wiping out San Francisco’s City and causing the bomb to go off on the infamous San Andreas Fault? Earthquakes, Andrew draws you in and at times you can only imagine what and how such things could and can happen. Do not leave your seat or go to sleep yet! It’s not over yet!
Dirty bombs, dirty tricks it’s all here within the covers of Jericho Blues
Sleep depuration, hunger, battling against the wounds of battle

“We are known as the Council of Three Hundred, and if all goes well you are going to be President of the United States after the next elections.”
“What would you say if I told you, life is an illusion Michael?”
Is life an illusion? Are we all living a life of dreams, fantasies? Is life truthful? Are we being deceived by those that we trust the most? Who is trying to impress upon us the truth or lies, cheating and deceitfulness? Is the Council of Three Hundred like the corrupted or are just painting pretty picture of a better world? Read on Andrew had me hooked
Who is the Council of Three Hundred? What do they do? What do they want of Michael? Besides being the next President of the United States of America, how does this organisation affect the world as a whole? Will and do they influence the political face of the world? Would it be one party that rules dismissing democratic polling? Fixed voting? Can this create further political unrest, citizens demonstrating against the one party system without choice and losing their Human Rights?
Read on further, further, deeper and deeper the plots thicken and you wonder when and where it will all end
Can the Leaders of the Free World come together as one and face all the issues that are dominant and dominating and not plunge us into a Third World State? Only time will and can tell of the outcome with their extension, exhausted talks.
Andrew’s Jericho Blues is an awesome read
I am going to leave the rest up to you to read at your leisure and pleasure
Andrew this novel has my 5*****’s not only for content, but also for keeping me glued and having read it twice and I am positive that I am coming back for more in the very near future. And I am also looking forward to your follow up to Jericho Blues too.

Below is the link that takes you to Andrew Scorah novels they are a must purchase whether it be kindle or paperback edition he has not left anything out of either

Also Available
A Collection in Time
Eastern Fury and Other Tales
The Beast
Dalton’s Blues
Homecoming Blues
Border Town Blues
A Trio of Blues (Box set)

Friday 24 May 2013

An Interview with Andrew Scorah by Teresa Joseph Franklin

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
1.     What do you do when you are not writing?
First I would like to say thank you for having me on your site, it’s a pleasure to be here. When not writing, I’m like anyone else. I love spending time with my family, reading, listening to music. My secret vice though is singing on Karaoke, don’t tell anyone though or I’ll have to send the boy’s round.

2.     Do you have a day job as well?
No, I’m a house husband at the moment, so this gives me plenty of time to write.

3.     When did you first start writing and when did you finish your first book?
I first began as a teenager, I won a competition in school, and that’s what got me hooked. Life kind of got in the way until a couple of years ago when I decided to take it up again.

4.     How did you choose the genre you write on?
I think the genre kind of chose me, I guess because of the books I enjoy reading as well.

5.     Where did you get your ideas from?
I could say the voices in my head gave me my ideas but they stopped talking a long time ago...only joking. I wanted a hero that was tough but human also, with human foibles etc. That’s how my main character, Jimmy Dalton came to be, he is an ex soldier from a gang land back ground, but he’s also damaged by his experiences. He has the skills to get the job done but he sure isn’t happy about what he has to do.

6.     Do you ever experience writer’s block?
Not so far, I think if you have the story in your head or fully realised down on paper you should be okay.

7.     Do you work with an outline or just write?
I have the basics of the story in my head, then I let the story take me where it wants to go, I did try planning it out but for me this did not work.

8.     Is there any particular author or book that influenced you in any way either by growing up or as an adult?
During my youth, I read a lot of pulp fiction, especially The Destroyer Series by Warren Murphy, and Richard Sapir, Robert Ludlums Bourne books, long before they became celluloid hits. I also guess the ones that had the most effect on me were by Eric Van Lusbader, and Marc Olden. These featured an East meets West scenario, with lots of Martial Arts action, this led to my love for the Martial Arts and Eastern philosophy. I spent about fifteen years training in various arts before I was hit by a car and could not train anymore because of damaged knees.

9.      Can you tell me about your challenges in getting your first book published?
The only real challenges I faced was in getting the formatting correct, and the appropriate cover, then marketing, biggest challenge of all.

10.                         If you had to go back and do it all over, is there any aspect of your novel or getting it published that you would change?
I think the only thing I would change is learning as much as I could about the self-publishing industry before putting my first book out, but if ifs and ands were pots and pans there would be no need of tinkers, as my Nana used to say. We live and learn, and move on.

11.                         How do you market your work? What avenues have you found to work best for your genre?
I don’t think there is any one avenue that works best, Facebook, Twitter, I use them both plus my own blogspot. No idea which works best, sales have happened when I have not marketed and other times when I have, I have had no sales. Go figure.

12.                         Have you written a book you love that you have not been able to get published?
Not yet but I am sure there will be one in the future.

13.                         Can you tell us about your upcoming book?
My next book will be the sequel to Jericho Blues, which I have just published, it will be called Jericho Blues-Hour of the Wolf.

14.                         Is anything in your book based on real life experiences or purely all imagination?
It’s all imagination, although there are some people out there who claim they have experienced some of the events in Jericho Blues.

15.                         What was your favourite chapter (or part) to write and why?
That’s a hard one, i have no favorites, I loved them all.

16.                         How did you come up with the title?
In Jericho Blues an elite group of families who have been ruling the world from behind the scenes step out of the shadows and bring down society as we know it just like Joshua brought down the walls of Jericho in the Bible.
17.                         What project are you working on now?
I’m working on Hour of the Wolf, and a novel called Drakesh, which is a horror.

18.                         Will you have a new book coming out soon?
It will be another couple of months before my next release.

19.                         Are there certain characters you would like to go back to, or is there a theme or idea you’d love to work with?
There are no characters, except maybe Paulie from Homecoming Blues, but I killed him off, as for themes and ideas, wherever my muse takes me I shall follow.

20.                         What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?
I’ve had a couple of bad reviews, but I don’t let them bother me, as far as I’m concerned all reviews are good, best compliment was my character, Jimmy Dalton being likened to Jack Reacher if he had come from a British working class background.

21.                         Do you have any advice to give to aspiring writers?
Write, write, write, read, read, read. Never give up on what you do, develop a thick skin because some people will hate what you do, while others will love it, and always be open to advice. You never stop learning in this game, never think you know it all, because you don’t and probably never will, learn the rules then know when to break them.

22.                        Is there anything that you would like to say to your readers and fans?

All those who have read my work i would say a big thank you, and you shall get your rewards in heaven, peace out.

Eastern Fury and Other Tales-

Dalton’s Blues-
Homecoming Blues-
Border Town Blues-
Jericho Blues-
A Trio of Blues (Boxset)-
Author page-

Thank you Andrew for being here on this site and it has been a pleasure to get to know you as well especially as an author. I for one will be waiting for your follow up to Jericho Blues as I have read it and could not put it down either.

Sunday 19 May 2013

#asmsg #kkst MYSTICALLY BEAUTIFUL available in Paperback at UK and UK links below 

Mystically Beautiful: Mythical, Fantasy poems: Ms Teresa Joseph Franklin: 9781489505101: Books

Mystically Beautiful: Mythical, Fantasy poems: Ms Teresa Joseph Franklin: Books

#asmsg #kkst IF YOU NEED A PROOF READER services are for FREE

If you need a proofreader for your manuscripts please contact me on my page which is as follows:
I am offering a FREE service to enhance my career prospects for the future
I can also vouch that I have done 3 so far and each author has been pleased with what I have done

#asmsg #kkst SAIL AWAY

Taken from the book of poems
© Teresa Joseph Franklin
Simply sail away so far away
To the seas far and wide
Oceans new and old
Simply sail away on a crest of a wave
Waving all your worries, trouble way behind
Simply sailing away with the moon lit night
Golden, simply a one-off
It is a guiding light shining so bright
Mystifying, magical, mythical
Alluring, hypnotising, enticing
Fair maidens from a mystical world
Watching, guarding your sailing away
The heavens adorned with rippling
Myriads of colours
Azure blue, oh what a wonderful hue
The moon lit night revealing the wondrous
Colours of the sea
Golden yellow, azure blue
And the emerald greens for all to be seen
The fair maidens sounding the sea shells
Oh such wondrous colours
Oh what a wondrous sight
Bringing much delight
To the weathered minds, bodies and souls
Of the sails men, sea men, of the tall ships sailing simply away
© Teresa Joseph Franklin
19th May 2013
All Rights Reserved

#ASMSG MYSTICALLY BEAUTIFUL is now available in Paperback edition


This wolf that is in the water
He keeps looking at me

This wolf that is in the water
Is a reflection of what I used to be
Roaming free and being me

This wolf that is in the water
Has no family
He has only me

This wolf that is in the water
Is not crying or making a sound
He is not yet condemned or bound
This wolf in the water will not drown

This wolf in the water
Is happy to be
Where he can see
All that is forever, whatever will be

The wolf looking down on the wolf in the water
Wants to know how this all can be?
It is not me in the water
I only came to sip up the water
But I am glad to see
The wolf in the water
Who looks just like me

© Teresa Joseph Franklin
7th April 2012
All Rights Reserved


With an inquisitive mind
And an inquisitive nose
Everything is new
With the mornings dew
The territory
Discovering all is new
Travelling along with his nose to the ground
Those footsteps have trodden on this ground
It could be another just like them
But not of the pack that he belongs too
A stranger
A wanderer
A visitor
Just passing through
Seeking shelter
A place to rest for the night
Until the morning light
Your senses are honed
For all sights and sounds
Even the smallest of creatures
Never passes you by
Of the fluttering of the butterfly
On the daisy’s leaf
Eyes agog
Ears forward
Is it going to jump?
Or fly at you?
Watching and waiting
At the ready

© Teresa Joseph Franklin
27th June 2012
All Rights Reserved