To the beat
Beat it out on the streets
Let it be your freedom
Freedom to be
Bringing joy and happiness
Full of fun and glee
This festivity
The joy of coming together
Whatever the weather
The sunshine be yours and mine
The blazing heat
Within our hearts it surely beats
The wind and rain
With much to gain
The glistening snow
Oh what a wondrous show
The tinkering melodies
Melodic to our ears
No matter what our years
Our peers
Tipping, tapping and toeing
Sees us toing and froing
Thoughts of family and friends
Bringing each and every one of them closer
Even though they may be far away
Yet could turn up unexpectedly
The wish, the wishes
The tables laden with heaps of dishes
And we are
Tipping, tapping and toeing
Coming and going
With much cheer and cheers
With many blessings
That the year has given us all
May the coming New Year
Brings you all cheer
Blessing a plenty
Peace and Goodwill
On this Heaven and Earth
So keep those feet a
Tipping, Tapping and Toeing
A song in your heart
That’ll never depart
With all my best wishes
To you and yours
© Teresa Joseph Franklin
20th December 2014
All Rights Reserved