Tuesday, 13 August 2019


It’s driving me nuts
No ifs or buts
I cannot abide it
It sounds old and decrepit
Just like that record on the old juke box
You know the one
That goes on and on
It screeches and whines
Like a violin gone wrong
Played over and over
So here I go with a new one
It’ll be melodic
And oh so, so symbolic
Symbolic insofar as you’ll be far away
Far, far away
And these symbolic words portray it that way
And maybe one day
Just maybe one day
We’ll never play others games
That ended in bitter recriminations
Yet still I love you!
Through and through
But we threw it all away
Yet there is always the hope
There is always the truth
That you were my first true, dear love
We acted like two teenagers
Running wild and free
Running with the crowd
Running with the wind
Oh how could I resist desist
Oh I can hear a melody once again
The fever pitch of the violin
Not the screeching and whining
But of the violin strings being gently, gently played
Softly, softly
Quietly, quietly
Two violinists
Playing solo in two different orchestras
The loneliness, the separateness
Oh how I still love you my dear sweetness
And now we are free
When you were all I needed
When you are all I need!
This is the way it should be
Together, forever
Not two concert violinist going solo
Trying to forge a new beginning
I’ve watched you in the wings
I’ve watched you in the concert halls
You’ve looked troubled, sorrowed
Oh how I needed, wanted to be there with you
So here I stand solo
Solo violinist
Trying so hard to play a new tune
Modernistic, romantic
That’ll have the audiences wanting more and more
Dancing to the rhythmic beat
Dancing to the heat in stadiums
Bodies swaying
People with their banners
Asking for more and more
New memories
Yet I remain sentimental for the old days
The good old days
The sunny, sunny old days
So play, play to the new rhythm
Bring the cheer to your hearts and souls
With the rhythmic violins
Not the dreaded old rhythms
Bring the smiles to the faces of the world
© Teresa Helen Joseph-Nelson
30th October 2016
All Rights Reserved