True love will last till the end
I’ll protect you from the storms
The rocking and rolling waves
I’ll be with you till the end
If the storms get too much
I cradle you in these arms
Gently rock you
We’ll watch the ever never ending
Sunrises, sunrises
The ever never ending suns going down
We’ll watch the moons rising, subsiding
Rising, subsiding
Dawn to dusk
Dusk to dawn
My heart is yours
My heart wants to be with you
All I want is to give you the best of my love
Let’s keep our eyes to the horizon
And let’s make this love last longer
Forever, forever more
I just don’t want to let go
Let you go
Let you go
Let’s show each other the way
The way to go
The way to go
The way forward
I want to watch you silently breathing
Never wanting to leave you
Oh babe I just cannot get enough of you
Oh babe let me be
You’re night and day
Day and night
To the end
Let’s not let this end
I’ll always be here and there for you
For always be in your arms
Where you’ll never come to any harm
Let this be the beginning
Without any ending
I’ll wipe every tear
Calm your fears
Throughout the weeks
Throughout the months
Throughout the years
Let this be throughout our lives
And you’ll always have my promises
Never to be broken
Let this love flow
Just like a river
Just like the oceans tides
Far and wide
Deep, deep and deeper
To the end
To the end of our days
To the end
© Teresa Joseph Franklin
1st January 2016
All Rights Reserved