Thursday 7 February 2013

About the Author

Firstly hello to everyone that will be reading this blog.
I haven't been writing very long it has only been just over a year now with especially my poetry, what inspires me can be anything from real life, fantasy, Wolves, Native Americans of which I am of the bloodline and the Nation that I belong it is the Sioux Nation who were and are still the great plains warriors for their land and homes. I have such a spiritual connection with all life and nature too
My friends and family who are the best who have sent images such as the one below which have had me sit for a few minutes with it or them and bam!! a poem has been written within minutes ( I write fast and furious) and will not stop until the poem is perfect.
I live here in UK in a small village called Wool, meaning water, and the area known as the Purbecks is steeped in much history especially where i live where once the great Lawrence of Arabia resided before his untimely death on his motorbike, alongside this I have Thomas Hardy the great writer who lived in Dorchester Dorset and Tess Of The Dubervilles was filmed just five minute walk away, along with this just a twenty minute walk away is Monkey World and if anyone remembers 'Challenge Anneka' where she had to produce a sanctuary for ill treated monkey's Orang Utan, well it is all here in Wool Dorset and I would highly recommend the visit as it is all worth while to see that they are now safe and sound and out of harms way from those that have harmed them across the globe.
I am a mum to 3 strapping sons, all spread across the globe, (globe trotters) but they are happy and I am happy that they have reached their ultimate goal in life to be the best as they can be
My future does hold that this is going to be a author and writer, one that I thought would never happen or believe that any of my works would ever be published, the sun is shining
Okay I am not good at this talking about myself so if you want//need to make any comments or ask any question please do. Oh and I am single wild and free spirited
Teresa Joseph Franklin (c)

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